"Spiritual Midwifery: Sacred Wisdom Practices for Shifting Paradigms" by Sibyl Dana Reynolds

For forty years, as an author, spiritual director and passionate journaler, Sibyl Dana Reynolds has shared spiritual and creative practices with women. She does this through her books, Ink and Honey and The Way of Belle Cœur, and through online courses, sacred art-making, pilgrimages and residential retreats. As the foundress of a spiritual and contemplative women's global community, Belle Coeur Sisterhood, Sibyl believes that when a women's circle gathers to pray, contemplate, craft and create together, transformation occurs. It’s the work and joy of her heart to offer sacred, prayerful wisdom practices as pathways to discovery for a woman’s personal, interior journey.

Email Sibyl at sibyl@sibyldanareynolds.com to receive her FREE handout, “Sacred Intentions for Spiritual Midwives inspired by The Way of Belle Cœur.”

Connect with Sibyl here:








"A Midwife’s Wisdom for the Rebirth of the Goddess" by Luisely Melecio-Zambrano


"Opening to Stillness: The 'New' Way" by James Duffy